
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Flooring Project(s) Part 4

The carpet guys came!  (Just try not to scroll down to the sneak peak of the new digs at the bottom!!!)

In anticipation of the few hours they'd be here, I typed up a "Part 4" to the series I've been writing about the flooring projects around here.  (...Part 1 Here...Part 2 Here...Part 3 Here...)

As I mentioned in my last post, we had some work to do in the room that the dogs used to call theirs (now that hardwood is in, they have free reign).  Z pulled up the carpet and found that they had stained (not surprisingly) down to the subfloor, and subsequently needed to bleach it.  That adventure was fun because we used almost a whole bottle, yes a full 2.56 quarts, in one room.  Needless to say, after the first round, we needed to add a fan, open the window, and seal the whole room off!  I wish I had a photo of it- you'd have thought that it was toxic material in there!  A second round, and we were a little smarter, using a little less and sealing the room immediately.  I have to say though that the bleach was a great idea (and recommended by the carpet guys in the first place) as well as better than the previous odor.  Lets just leave it at that.

So, here, I'll share with you some of the "why we needed new carpet" photos, and some bleached wood photos in hopes that it may help you in the future.

Part 1 of bleaching the subfloor.  Awesome, eh?  But hey, did you notice the awesome stripes?  Remember this post when I told you my secret for crisp paint lines?

Subfloor after bleach.

This room actually stayed decent.  It's going to be the nursery, and the dogs didn't go in there much.  But, we replaced all the carpet at the same time for consistency.

You can kind of see where the bed was, before we moved it out.  Yep, that looks like a highway of foot traffic around it!

My black dog sheds EVERYWHERE!  this carpet is supposed to be (or was) tan, but her hairs were even behind the bed!

The last one is just too gross to show you.  :)  One of the dogs threw up the other day, and stained it!  Good thing it was getting replaced just a few days later. 

One thing I certainly know is that when everything gets moved back in, I’m going to be more cautious about the clutter, since it’s been difficult to clean around (ok, to be fair, I haven’t had the energy to clean in months, but now the pregnancy energy is in full force, all I want to do is clean!) 

Here's a sneak peak to wet your appetite for what the carpet looks like now:

And yes, this new carpet has made me want to paint, change decor, and pick new fabric for our nailhead trim headboard in the master...  *evil laugh* but more on that later...

Come back for installment 5 soon!