These were imagined back in June, when I stopped off at Home Fabrics, and picked up the three main fabrics for baby boy's room. Remember when I showed you this fabric set (polka dots used to cover the glider cushions, that I showed you HERE):
To go with our bedding set my awesome cousins purchased for us:
I wanted a pulled together room (designed from scratch) but not something totally matchy-matchy which a lot of nursery stores provide. So, I imagined these curtains while walking through the store. The top fabric is green and white houndstooth, and the bottom is a blue and lighter blue stripe.
The curtains, for now, are hung on the closet as doors since the doors that were installed were not going to cut it (bi-fold doors, braced together so they opened like regular doors, plus they didn't shut tight and seemed cheap). They're fully lined, in case they become window treatments later (in order to black out the sun while baby sleeps
Since these were all straight stitches again, I didn't really make a tutorial. But, essentially, I measured the full length I needed which was 84" (luckily the closet and the window are the same length, if I want to swap the curtains later), measured the width of the blue stripe fabric I wanted to use, and subtracted that from the full length needed. I cut down the houndstooth and blue stripe fabric (with seam allowance) to the proper size. I sewed the blue and green together first, and then the white liner onto the back. The top seam is rough, but since I knew we were just going to use clips to hang them, it wasn't a huge deal.
With a typical spring loaded shower curtain rod, I hung the curtains as "doors" for the closet. They are a nice touch, and hide the closet that's still a work in progress of organization (even though I've been given orders to kick my feet up and not do much... which bums me out, but it awefully nice!)
Oh, and Shhh, they hide this:
Yep, I forgot I still have to paint these small portions of the closet sides. We were going to cover them in the beadboard, but time got away from us. The paint will be fine for now. :) When I get around to it.
Here are a few shots of the curtains from different angles:
(those small frames resting on the crib will be hung on the wall soon...)
(Do you see that laundry basket at the bottom of the closet? Check that revamp out HERE!)
So, what do you think? I can't wait to show the whole room put together- there are just a few finishing touches that hopefully we'll have time to get to this weekend.