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Monday, January 25, 2010

Fluffy Fabric Valentine's Wreath

Yesterday, hopefully you saw my post about phase 1 of setting up our new office/craft room.  If not, GO GO GO!

Anyway, if you did, you may have noticed that yes, I made another wreath.  What has blogging done to me?  I'm wreath crazy.  I swear they could make a group for us me.

This one shockingly took me some time to decide.

I had this, which was a good start:

But, what direction to go?  There are plenty of Valentine's wreath tutorials out there.  To be honest, I even tried a few out before I decided to go in one distinct direction.

First, there's this one found at The Idea Room:

...but I had already made my felt kissing balls, so I moved on...

I found a few other miscellaneous versions looking through Google Images (if you know what blogs they're from, I'd love to put a credit up!)

Cute, but too much work with all those yarn balls!  (Ha, if only I had known how long the version I DID make would take!)

I love the roses on the red wreath.  What else screams Valentine's Day than something like this?!   Still, I didn't have roses, and couldn't find a rose-out-of-fabric tutorial, so I moved on...

While not a wreath per se, I love the texture on this one, and I tried to figure out how I could do this to the wreath.  Unfortunately, I couldn't channel my inner girl scout, so I couldn't accomplish this one.

I love the texture on this bad boy.  Similar to the same issue I had on the rose wreath above.  sigh.

Totally cute with the scrapbook paper, but I had a heart shaped wreath, and I figured hearts on a heart wreath may make Z puke.  Or me.  I didn't want to temp fate.  

There's this version, from Little Birdie Secrets:

I knew this one could TOTALLY work!  So I started!

First off, I used much smaller squares than Little Birdie Secrets did.  I was making this, not a kid, so I figured I could deal with the time it would take.  And yes, it did take a lah-hot of time.

Here's my final version:

So,  the tutorial is below, even though you may have already read it online at the site I found it.

I used my Christmas present, a rotary cutter and mat, to power through cutting strips of my fabric, at about a 1" width.  I then cut those strips into squares that measured about 1" square.

Then, you use the point of a pencil, and some white glue.  First wrap the fabric around the point of the pencil, and then dab the point in the white glue.

Press the point of the pencil into the foam wreath, and it should stick.  The glue on the end also helps keep it in place.

That's about it.  Do this a few hundred times, over a few hours a few goods tunes and tv shows, and you've got yourself a snazzy wreath that's oh-so-fluffy, and perfect texture that you want!  :)

Next, use a 3M command hook to install on your new shelves in the office/craft room, and wah-la (sense my typing humor there.  Typing how I speak, you know)! 

(ok you can hang yours wherever you like...)

So, there you have it.  Oh, and if anyone knows about a "wreath's anonymous" meeting, you should probably let me know.

Happy Early Valentines Day to you and yours-

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